Here are Photos and Links from Important DOHCS Moments of ACTION

From Our Landmark Ms. Magazine Article, the 45th Anniversary Issue:

From Our DOHCS-Butler-Nissen Fundraiser for the RE-ELECTION of Senator Sherrod Brown, December 2, 2017 (the event raised over $78,000 for Sherrod):

From top to bottom:  Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and President Cecile Richards (Planned Parenthood, a packed room of over 120 people (!), your DOHCS co-chairs, Drs. Michael Devereaux and Arthur Lavin, CEO Iris E Harvey (Ohio Planned Parenthood), room packed to the rafters with host Linda Butler on the stairs, host Steve Nissen pleading for the continuation of our democracy, DOHCS Dr. Margaret Stager making an impassioned plea for doctors to stand up against the outlawing of abortion for Trisomy 21 pregnancies, our Senator with the next Congressperson from OH-14 Betsy Rader, and a group shot (Dr. Arthur Lavin, Ms. Lana Moresky, Senator Sherrod Brown, Dr. Michael Devereaux, Dr. Steven Nissen, Ms. Linda Butler, Dr. Mark Binstock, President Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood